BEFORE THE SHADOWS – The Journey of IIA Cochin Centre
Celebrating the odyssey that echoes through the ages chronicling the beginning of IIA
Cochin Centre through captured moments and whispered stories.
‘ Before the Shadows – The journey of IIA Cochin Centre’, is a documentary created by IIA Cochin
Centre as a mark of respect to all the members who have contributed to the growth of the Centre
and the visionary leaders who have guided us through out these years. IIA Cochin Centre has grown
from a membership of 50 members to around 300 members during this long period.
It features a collection of memories and stories associated with our Centre and chronicles the growth
of the Cochin Centre from its inception through varied activities undertaken during different tenures.
Right from the time it started as an informal gathering of Architects under the banner of SPACE of
which Ar. K G Sukumaran was the leading light, to the formation of the IIA Cochin Centre as a formal
organization, the Centre has come a long way. The present committee IIACC 2020-22 is happy to
bring this out especially during the pandemic.
The entire research, shoot and post-production happened during the COVID-19 pandemic and it is
worth mentioning that every single member involved in the making of this documentary has played
an unforgettable role in making this a reality.
We express our sincere gratitude and pay respects to all those wonderful people who have stood
steadfastly and contributed to the growth of IIA Cochin Centre from its inception until now. The
journey has been an arduous one and we are now rightfully reveling in the shadows cast by their
humongous efforts.
We salute the Doyens of our Centre who have quietly moved far from us .We believe they are still
amongst us in spirit and are guiding us in taking the Centre forward in its journey.